A restrictive intervention includes any intervention used to restrict the rights and freedom of movement of a person with a disability and can include the use of chemical, physical or mechanical restraint or seclusion.
Chemical Restraint: Medicines used for controlling behaviour. This does not include medicines for treating physical or mental illness
Mechanical restraint: Materials used to stop a person moving parts of their body freely.
Seclusion: Refers to being locked in a room or area alone that the person is unable to leave.
Physical restraint: Physical force to prevent movement of a person’s body which is not physical assistance or guidance.
Restrictive interventions can only be used to prevent the person hurting themselves or others and require an approved Behaviour Support Plan to be in place before an intervention is used.
*InclusivED will not administer any medications.
*InclusivED will contact the Participant’s Representative or Family immediately should there be any challenging behaviours arising that place the Support Worker at risk.
*InclusivED will not use any Restrictive Interventions with any Participant.
More information on Restrictive Interventions can be obtained from:
Office of Professional Practice – Senior Practitioner – Disability
Updated 1st May 2021