InclusivED supports your right to an Advocate. An Advocate is a person appointed by you to speak, act or write on your behalf.

If you need to make a complaint, understand policy or procedure that is relevant to your needs or understand process in regards to our services, InclusivED will provide you information on advocacy services to access.
The Principal Consultant and any staff members of InclusivED will not take the place of an Advocate when regarding any dealings with InclusivED.
All Participants will be informed about the use of an Advocate when engaged with InclusivED.
InclusivED will need permission from the Participant/Representative where personal information is to be provided to an Advocate. A Consent form will need to be signed by the Participant for release of this information.
You can contact the Office of the Public Advocate for information and help:
Office of the Public Advocate
Level 1, 204 Lygon Street
Carlton, Victoria 3053
Tel No: 1300 309 337
Updated 1st May 2021